Plant machinery is vital to the construction industry but brings with it a unique range of hazards. One of the key risks business owners need to consider is that of fire. With so many electrical components, exposure to extreme conditions and the demands placed on these machines, it’s likely that this risk cannot be entirely eliminated. However, those working with excavators, dumpers, rollers and more must understand the ways they can mitigate these risks.

Why Is the Risk of Fire High With Plant Machinery?

Most machines used in construction are powered by flammable liquids. With the presence of numerous ignition sources, continuous operating time scales that increase temperatures and working conditions that can easily lead to human error, the chance of fires is very real in these settings. For example, overheated surfaces such as the braking systems in a machine come into contact with combustible fuel such as dry wood chips or coal dust. In these settings, there is a risk of ignition which, if allowed to take over, can cause significant safety problems.

There is also a consideration to make with the location. Many construction sites – particularly large-scale ones – are remote. The distance between them and local emergency services may be extensive, increasing the amount of time fire has to spread and cause more damage before help can arrive.

Preventing Fire in Construction Sites

Mitigating risk is the responsibility of every construction site manager and this extends on to fire management with plant machinery.

Things to consider include:

  • Ensuring every piece of construction equipment has been properly maintained and serviced on time.
  • Replace faulty or damaged machinery as a matter of urgency.
  • Keeping flammable liquids and ignition sources stored away from plant machinery.
  • Investing in non-conductive liquefied gases and relevant machinery.
  • Consider a mobile plant fire suppression system for your business.

High-Quality and Reliable Plant Machinery

Controlling the hazards found in construction sites is easily done by ensuring you only use high-quality and reliable equipment for every single project. Here at Jay Bee Plant Sales, we supply and export used plant machinery to clients from all over the UK and further afield. Each machine that comes into our lot is fully serviced and checked before having any repair works completed. In doing so, we guarantee that you get the best quality machines at a price you can afford. If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of our team, please get in contact with us here today.